All Sermons

Listen to the Lord of the Church - EphesusRevelation 2:1-7Revelation - Jesus WinsPaul Kupke2025-03-08Listen
The Lord of the ChurchRevelation 1:9-20Revelation - Jesus WinsPaul Kupke2025-02-23Listen
The Lord of All HistoryRevelation 1:1-8Revelation - Jesus WinsPaul Kupke2025-02-16Listen
A Strange Kind of Writing/A Crystal Clear MessageRevelation 7:9-17Revelation - Jesus WinsGraham Sayer2025-02-08Listen
The Race we're RunningHebrews 12:1-3, Matthew 6:19-34Vision SundayGraham Sayer2025-02-01Listen
He Always Lives to IntercedeHebrews 7:23-28January guest SpeakersNathanael Remminga2025-01-26Listen
Be Ready for JesusMatthew 24:36-25:13Summer Parables SeriesMatt King2025-01-12Listen
Parable of the Wedding BanquetMatthew 22:1-14Sam Morse2025-01-05Listen
The Woman and the DragonRevelation 12Guest TalksKeith Vander Schoor2024-12-29Listen
Trade your panic for peaceLuke 2:25-35Graham Sayer2024-12-25Listen
Trade Your Gloom for GloryLuke 2:8-16Paul Kupke2024-12-22Listen
Trade Your Heartbreak for HopeLuke 1:57-79Graham Sayer2024-12-15Listen
Trading Weariness for WonderLuke 1:26-55ChristmasPaul Kupke2024-12-07Listen
Extraordinary RevelationMark 8:22-33The Doctrine of Revelation - How God Reveals HimselfGraham Sayer2024-12-01Listen
Mercy: God's Heart for the MarginalisedLuke 5:27-32; 7:33-50Lord's SupperPaul Kupke2024-11-24Listen
Extra Special RevelationJohn 1:1-14; Hebrews 1:1-31 John: AuthenticGraham Sayer2024-11-17Listen
Special RevelationPsalm 19:7-14; 2 Timothy 3:1-17The Doctrine of Revelation - How God Reveals HimselfPaul Kupke2024-11-10Listen
Give Yourself to ThisPsalm 78:1-8; Romans 12:1-2Next Generation NOWGraham Sayer2024-11-03Listen
Natural Revelation - God's Fingerprints are EverywherePsalm 19:1-6, Romans 1:20The Doctrine of Revelation - How God Reveals HimselfGraham Sayer2024-10-27Listen
Confidence for the Journey1 John 5:13-211 John: AuthenticPaul Kupke2024-10-20Listen
Life as God's Child1 John 5:1-121 John: AuthenticPaul Kupke2024-10-12Listen
Complete Love1 John 4:7-211 John: AuthenticGraham Sayer2024-10-06Listen
The Spirit of God1 John 4:1-61 John: AuthenticPaul Kupke2024-09-29Listen
What We Learn from the KidsMatthew 21:12-17Next Generation NOWGraham Sayer2024-09-22Listen
Follow MeJohn 21:15-25Next Generation NOWPaul Kupke2024-09-14Listen
We Should Love One Another1 John 3:11-241 John: AuthenticGraham Sayer2024-09-08Listen
Family Resemblance1 John 2:28-3:101 John: AuthenticPaul Kupke2024-09-01Listen
Anti-antichrist1 John 2:18-271 John: AuthenticGraham Sayer2024-08-25Listen
Sings for the Journey1 John 2:3-171 John: AuthenticPaul Kupke2024-08-18Listen
How Sinful is Sin?1 John 1:5-2:21 John: AuthenticClinton Berends2024-08-11Listen
The Eyewitness1 John 1:1-4Paul Kupke2024-08-04Listen
Love God, and Love Those God LovesLuke 15:25-16:15Lord's SupperMatt King2024-07-28Listen
God Seeks True WorshippersEzekiel 43:1-7aEzekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of FleshBrian Vaatstra2024-07-21Listen
The Lord is There!Ezekiel 40:1-5; 43:1-12; 47:1-2; 48:30-35Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of FleshBrian Vaatstra2024-07-14Listen
The Glory of Gog vs the Glory of GodEzekiel 39Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of FleshBrian Vaatsra2024-07-07Listen
Coming to LifeEzekiel 37Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of FleshBrian Vaatstra2024-06-30Listen
A New HeartEzekiel 36Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of FleshMarty Wierenga2024-06-23Listen
The Lord of all the EarthGenesis 12:1-3, Ezekiel 28Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of FleshPaul Kupke2024-06-16Listen
A Grief ObservedEzekiel 24Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of FleshPaul Kupke2024-06-09Listen
More Than ConquerorsRomans 8:31-39Oscar White2024-06-02Listen
God's Glory GoesEzekiel 10Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of FleshGraham Sayer2024-05-26Listen
Take Heart, I have Overcome the WorldJohn 16:33-17:19Persecuted ChurchPaul Kupke2024-05-19Listen
A Watchman and his WarningEzekiel 3:16-27Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of FleshPaul Kupke2024-05-12Listen
A Vision of GodEzekiel 1Ezekiel - From Hearts of Stone to Hearts of FleshGraham Sayer2024-05-05Listen
The World We All WantRevelation 21:1-8, 22-27The Big Story - Creation to New CreationGraham Sayer2024-04-28Listen
The ChurchActs 1:1-11, 2:1-4The Big Story - Creation to New CreationPaul Kupke2024-04-21Listen
Exile and ExcitementJeremiah 29:4-14The Big Story - Creation to New CreationGraham Sayer2024-04-07Listen
Very Large Easter Egg + Very Empty TombMatthew 28:1-10Easter ServicesGraham Sayer2024-03-31Listen
The King for All GenerationsActs 2:22-41Paul Kupke2024-03-24Listen
God's Heart for the LostLuke 15Mercy - God's Heart for Us AllGraham Sayer2024-03-17Listen
Judges, Kings, and Prophets1 Samuel 8, 2 Samuel 7:8-16The Big Story - Creation to New CreationPaul Kupke2024-03-10Listen
Talk 3 - Church and Weakness2 Corinthians 11:16-12:10Church Camp 2024 - Gathered TogetherKarl Deenick2024-03-03Listen
Getting Organised for Life – Wisdom of Work and RestChurch Camp 2024 - Gathered TogetherKarl Deenick2024-03-02Listen
Talk 2 - Back to BasicsMark 12:28-34 & Matthew 28:16-20Church Camp 2024 - Gathered TogetherKarl Deenick2024-03-02Listen
Talk 1 - What is the ChurchHebrews 12:18-29 & Ephesians 2:11-22Church Camp 2024 - Gathered TogetherKarl Deenick2024-03-01Listen
Slavery, Salvation, and the Promised LandExodus 5:22-6:10; 34:1-9The Big Story - Creation to New CreationPaul Kupke2024-02-25Listen
Creation, Fall, and PromiseHebrews 11:1-3, John 1:1-5, Genesis 12:1-4aThe Big Story - Creation to New CreationGraham Sayer2024-02-17Listen
One Big StoryLuke 24:44-49 & John 5:37-40The Big Story - Creation to New CreationPaul Kupke2024-02-11Listen
We Pray Because We BelieveMark 9:2-29Graham Sayer2024-02-04Listen
The Secret of ConetentmentPhilippians 4:10-13 January guest SpeakersSam Morse2024-01-27Listen
Sending and being sentPhilippians 2:1-11, 19-30Lord's SupperPaul Kupke2024-01-20Listen
Does a good law lead to a good life?Jeremiah 31:27-34, Romans 7January guest SpeakersBernie Cane2024-01-14Listen
The battle of our livesPsalm 73PsalmsMatt King2024-01-07Listen
Delight in God's LawPsalm 1PsalmsChris Shannon2023-12-31Listen
Introducing JesusMatthew 1:18-25ChristmasPaul Kupke2023-12-25Listen
Christmas Eve: Lord at BirthAllChristmasPaul Kupke2023-12-24Listen
Introducing Jesus: MessiahMatthew 2:1-12 & MicahIntroducing JesusGraham Sayer2023-12-17Listen
Introducing Jesus: God With UsIsaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-25Introducing JesusChris Shannon2023-12-10Listen
Making the most of 1 Corinthians1 Corinthians 1:1-9, 16:141 Corinthians - Love the ChurchGraham Sayer2023-12-03Listen
Partners in the Gospel1 Corinthians 161 Corinthians - Love the ChurchPaul Kupke2023-11-26Listen
Resurrection is Essential1 Corinthians 151 Corinthians - Love the ChurchPaul Kupke2023-11-19Listen
God's Good Order1 Corinthians 11:2-161 Corinthians - Love the ChurchGraham Sayer2023-11-12Listen
The Church Family Meal1 Corinthians 11:17-341 Corinthians - Love the ChurchChris Shannon2023-11-05Listen
Edification Exhortation1 Corinthians 14:1-251 Corinthians - Love the ChurchPaul Kupke2023-10-29Listen
The Most Excellent Way1 Corinthians 12-131 Corinthians - Love the ChurchGraham Sayer2023-10-22Listen
Following Jesus is worth it!Ruth 4RuthChris Shannon2023-10-15Listen
God's Sovereignty gives us hopeRuth 3RuthChris Shannon2023-10-08Listen
God Knows BestRuth 2RuthChris Shannon2023-10-01Listen
Examine Yourselves1 Corinthians 11:17-34Lord's SupperGraham Sayer2023-09-24Listen
God's Loving-KindnessRuth 1RuthChris Shannon2023-09-17Listen
God in the Flesh!John 1:14Isn't Jesus Brilliant!Paul Kupke2023-09-10Listen
The Humble ServantPhilippians 2:5-11Isn't Jesus Brilliant!Paul Kupke2023-09-03Listen
Jesus has conquered Death!Hebrews 2:5-9 & 14-15Isn't Jesus Brilliant!Chris Shannon2023-08-27Listen
Isn't Jesus brilliant2 Corinthians 8:9Isn't Jesus Brilliant!Graham Sayer2023-08-20Listen
Incarnation: So WhatRomans 5:12-19, Hebrews 4:14-16The IncarnationPaul Kupke2023-08-13Listen
Incarnation:The Big DealHebrews 2:14-17The IncarnationPaul Kupke2023-08-06Listen
The Big RevealJohn 1:1-14The IncarnationGraham Sayer2023-07-30Listen
Testing Times, Then and Now1 Corinthians 10:1-141 Corinthians - Love the ChurchGraham Sayer2023-07-23Listen
Lord's Supper: Remembering the Lord1 Corinthians 11:17-34Lord's SupperPaul Kupke2023-07-16Listen
Winning people for Jesus!1 Corinthians 91 Corinthians - Love the ChurchChris Shannon2023-07-09Listen
Puffed up or Built up?1 Corinthians 8, 10:14-221 Corinthians - Love the ChurchPaul Kupke2023-07-02Listen
Living Out Your Calling1 Corinthians 71 Corinthians - Love the ChurchGraham Sayer2023-06-25Listen
A New Way of Life1 Corinthians 61 Corinthians - Love the ChurchChris Shannon2023-06-18Listen
How can the church get it so wrong?1 Corinthians 5:1-131 Corinthians - Love the ChurchGraham Sayer2023-06-11Listen
Servants of Christ1 Corinthians 3:1 - 4:71 Corinthians - Love the ChurchPaul Kupke2023-06-04Listen
Blessed are the PersecutedMatthew 5:1-12Paul Kupke2023-05-28Listen
We Have Received the Mind of Christ1 Corinthians 2:6-161 Corinthians - Love the ChurchChris Shannon2023-05-21Listen
Wisdom and Power for the Church1 Corinthians 1:18-2:51 Corinthians - Love the ChurchGraham Sayer2023-05-14Listen
Divided Church, Undivided Christ1 Corinthians 1:10-171 Corinthians - Love the ChurchPaul Kupke2023-05-07Listen
The Church's God is Faithful1 Corinthians 1:1-91 Corinthians - Love the ChurchGraham Sayer2023-04-30Listen
Grace-full ConversationColossians 4:6Making the most of every opportunityYi He2023-04-23Listen
Making the most of every opportunity - HospitalityLuke 10:25-37 Colossians 4:5Making the most of every opportunityGraham Sayer2023-04-16Listen
The Guard's StoryMathew 27:57-66 & 28:1-15Easter ServicesGraham Sayer2023-04-09Listen
Cries in the DarknessMark 15Easter ServicesGraham Sayer & Paul Kupke2023-04-07Listen
Making the Most of the Lord's Supper: Unity1 Corinthians 10:15-17, 11:17-22Making the most of every opportunityPaul Kupke2023-04-02Listen
Be Watchful!Colossians 4:2-6Making the most of every opportunityChris Shannon2023-03-26Listen
Praying for opportunitiesColossians 4:2-6Making the most of every opportunityGraham Sayer2023-03-19Listen
A God of CompassionJonah 4JonahPaul Kupke2023-03-12Listen
Being creative with what God gives usLuke 16:1-15Guest TalksAaron Johnstone2023-03-05Listen
A God Who SavesJonah 3JonahChris Shannon2023-02-26Listen
Salvation comes from the LordJonah 2JonahPaul Kupke2023-02-19Listen
NopeJonah 1JonahGraham Sayer2023-02-12Listen
Making the Most of Every OpportunityEphesians 5:15-20Vision SundayGraham Sayer2023-02-05Listen
The Growing SeedMark 4:26-29Short Stories - Big ImpactYi He2023-01-29Listen
The Parable of the NetMatthew 13:47-50Short Stories - Big ImpactSam Morse2023-01-22Listen
The Value of the Kingdom of HeavenMatthew 13:44Short Stories - Big ImpactMartin Wierenga2023-01-15Listen
The Lost SheepLuke 15:1-7Short Stories - Big ImpactDave Matthews2023-01-08Listen
God's Kingdom Will Grow2 Samuel 7:4-17 & Mark 4:30-34Short Stories - Big ImpactMatt King2023-01-01Listen
My Eyes Have Seen the SaviorLuke 2:22-38Seeing the SaviourGraham Sayer2022-12-25Listen
Seeing the Saviour: Magi WorshippersVariousChristmasUnknown Magi2022-12-18Listen
Herod: This Saviour is a KingMatthew 2:1-18ChristmasGraham Sayer2022-12-11Listen
Surprised ShepherdsLuke 2:1-21Seeing the SaviourPaul Kupke2022-12-04Listen
We have Conquered by Christ's BloodGenesis 1:1-15; Revelation 12Chris Shannon2022-11-27Listen
The Trinity and ALL People2 Corinthians 5:11-21The TrinityGraham Sayer2022-11-20Listen
Trinity and MissionRomans 8:12-17, Matthew 28:16-20The TrinityPaul Kupke2022-11-13Listen
Trinity and WorshipJohn 17:20-26The TrinityPaul Kupke2022-11-06Listen
The Trinity and PrayerMatthew 6:5-13The TrinityGraham Sayer2022-10-30Listen
The Sublime Truth and Supreme Treasure of Knowing the God Who is TrinityJohn 16:12-15, Matthew 28:16-20The TrinityGraham Sayer2022-10-23Listen
Be careful how you listenLuke 8:1-21Salt and LightMatt King2022-10-16Listen
If Jesus is Serious...Matthew 7:21-29Salt and LightGraham Sayer2022-10-09Listen
Gender Identity and JesusGenesis 1:26-31; Luke 19:1-10Salt and LightPaul Kupke2022-10-02Listen
God's View of GenderGenesis 1:26-31, Matthew 19:1-21Salt and LightPaul Kupke2022-09-25Listen
Judge Like JesusMatthew 7:1-6Salt and LightYi He2022-09-18Listen
Worn down by worryMatthew 6:25-34Salt and LightPaul Kupke2022-09-11Listen
A Tale of Two MastersMatthew 6:19-24Salt and LightGraham Sayer2022-09-04Listen
How We View Issues1 Corinthians 5:9-13Lord's SupperGraham Sayer2022-08-28Listen
The Secret ViewerMatthew 6:1-18Salt and LightPaul Kupke2022-08-21Listen
A Life of LoveSalt and LightGraham Sayer2022-08-14Listen
#Salt & LightMatthew 5:13-16Salt and LightGraham Sayer2022-08-07Listen
#BlessedMatthew 5:1-12Salt and LightPaul Kupke2022-07-31Listen
The Mission Remains1 ChroniclesGuest TalksSamuel Green2022-07-24Listen
Prayer WarriorsEphesians 6:10-24EphesiansGraham Sayer2022-07-10Listen
Reverence for ChristEphesians 5:21-6:9EphesiansPaul Kupke2022-07-03Listen
Be what you areEphesians 4:17-5:20EphesiansGraham Sayer2022-06-26Listen
The Mature body of ChristEphesians 4:1-16EphesiansPaul Kupke2022-06-19Listen
Powerful PrayerEphesians 3:14-21EphesiansGraham Sayer2022-06-12Listen
The Difference God's Love Makes2 Timothy 1:6-18Lord's SupperPaul Kupke2022-06-05Listen
A Mystery RevealedEphesians 3:1-13EphesiansPaul Kupke2022-05-29Listen
A New Humanity One in ChristEphesians 2:11-22EphesiansGraham Sayer2022-05-22Listen
Who We Are in ChristEphesians 2:1-10EphesiansGraham Sayer2022-05-15Listen
The Supreme Reign of ChristEphesians 1EphesiansPaul Kupke2022-05-08Listen
Praise the LordPsalm 147PsalmsPaul Kupke2022-05-01Listen
The Coronation of the Son of GodPsalm 2PsalmsYi He2022-04-24Listen
First Fruits!Mark 15:42-16:8Easter ServicesGraham Sayer2022-04-17Listen
How We View OurselvesRomans 5"1-11Lord's SupperPaul Kupke2022-04-10Listen
The City of GodPsalm 87PsalmsPaul Kupke2022-04-03Listen
Not Shaken, but StirredPsalm 16; Acts 13:32-39PsalmsGraham Sayer2022-03-27Listen
A Prayer of ConfidencePsalm 91 & Luke 4:1-13PsalmsPaul Kupke2022-03-20Listen
In the DarknessPsalm 88PsalmsGraham2022-03-13Listen
Is God For Us?Psalm 44PsalmsGraham Sayer2022-03-06Listen
His Love Endures ForeverPsalm 136PsalmsPaul Kupke2022-02-27Listen
God's Love Changes How We View GodIsaiah 40Lord's SupperGraham Sayer2022-02-20Listen
The King of GloryPsalm 24PsalmsPaul Kupke2022-02-13Listen
Passing on the good news of Jesus2 Timothy 1:1-14Graham Sayer2022-02-06Listen
Mature ChristianityPhilippians 3:15-21PhilippiansAidan Vos2022-01-30Listen
Christ as our GoalPhilippians 3:1-14PhilippiansMartin Wierenga2022-01-23Listen
Living with a Christlike attitudePhilippians 2:1-11PhilippiansSam Morse2022-01-16Listen
Anxiety, Prayer and PeacePhilippian 4:4-7PhilippiansDave Matthews2022-01-09Listen
Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel in 2022Philippians 1PhilippiansMatt King2022-01-02Listen
Love and LifeMatthew 22v34-40, Matthew 28v16-20Graham Sayer2021-12-26Listen
Life is Here!John 1:1-5ChristmasGraham Sayer2021-12-25Listen
Good News of JoyLuke 2:8-12ChristmasPaul Kupke2021-12-19Listen
Peace has comeIsaiah 9:6-7; Colossians 1:19-20ChristmasGraham Sayer2021-12-12Listen
Hope is BornIsaiah 42:1-4ChristmasPaul Kupke2021-12-05Listen
The Gift of Love1 John 4:9-10, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, John 3:16ChristmasGraham Sayer2021-11-28Listen
Until He comes....MembershipJohn 13:31-36Lord's Supper M'sPaul Kupke2021-11-21Listen
Sin & Death, Grace & HopeGenesis 3:1-12 & Romans 5:12-19Graham Sayer2021-11-14Listen
Male and FemaleGenesis 1:27 & 2:18-25In The Beginning: The Doctrine of CreationPaul Kupke2021-11-07Listen
PurposeGenesis 1:26-31; 2:8-18In The Beginning: The Doctrine of CreationGraham Sayer2021-10-31Listen
Image of GodGenesis 1:26-31; James 3:9-12In The Beginning: The Doctrine of CreationPaul Kupke2021-10-24Listen
CreationGenesis 1:1-2:3Graham Sayer2021-10-17Listen
Generous LordDeut 5:19, 21 Roamns 7:4-1110 WordsGraham Sayer2021-10-10Listen
Lord of TruthDeut 5v20, john 8v31-4710 WordsPaul Kupke2021-10-03Listen
Love That ServesJohn 13:1-17Lord's Supper M'sGraham Sayer2021-09-26Listen
Lord of FaithfulnessDeuteronomy 5:18; Matthew 5:27-3210 WordsPaul Kupke2021-09-19Listen
Lord of LifeDeuteronomy 5:17, Matthew 5:21-2610 WordsGraham Sayer2021-09-12Listen
The Lord of FamilyDeuteronomy 5:16 & Ephesians 6:1-310 WordsPaul Kupke2021-09-05Listen
Lord of BlessingDeut 5:12-15, Hebrews 4:1-1310 WordsGraham Sayer2021-08-29Listen
The name of the LordDeut 5:11, Exodus 34:5-7, Phil 2:5-1110 WordsPaul Kupke2021-08-22Listen
Give Yourself to ThisMark 8:27-38Graham Sayer2021-08-15Listen
The Image of the Invisible GodDeuteronomy 5:6-10 & Colossians 1:15-2010 WordsGraham Sayer2021-08-08Listen
Until He Comes... MissionMatthew 2816-20Lord's Supper M'sPaul Kupke2021-08-01Listen
Only One GodDeuteronomy 5:1-7, Mark 12:28-3210 WordsGraham Sayer2021-07-25Listen
The Lordship of Christ & A Church on MissionActs 1:7-8, 1 Thessalonians 1ActsGraham Sayer2021-07-18Listen
A fond farewellacts 20:13-38ActsPaul Kupke2021-07-11Listen
Determined and DrowsyActs 20:1-12ActsPaul Kupke2021-07-04Listen
Aquilla,Priscilla, Apollos...and UsAct 18ActsPaul Kupke2021-06-20Listen
The Gospel Vs Pagan CultureActs 17:16-34ActsGraham Sayer2021-06-13Listen
Until He Comes... grow to maturityEphesians 4:1-16Graham Sayer2021-06-06Listen
Prison and FreedomActs 16:11-40ActsPaul Kupke2021-05-30Listen
We are not those who shrink backHebrews 10:32-39Paul Kupke2021-05-23Listen
Gospel ConsequencesActs 15:1-21, 36-41ActsPaul Kupke2021-05-16Listen
Gospel PersistenceActs 14ActsPaul Kupke2021-05-09Listen
Humanity is United in EvilRoamns 1:16-32Matt King2021-05-02Listen
What's NextActs 13:1-12&44-52ActsGraham Sayer2021-04-25Listen
Reconciled to God2 Corinthians 5v11-21Sam Morse2021-04-18Listen
Until He Comes1 Peter 2:9-10Lord's Supper M'sPaul Kupke2021-04-11Listen
I AM the resurrection and the lifeJohn 11:1-26I AMGraham Sayer2021-04-04Listen
I AM the Good ShepherdJohn 10-1-21I AMPaul Kupke2021-03-28Listen
I AM The True VineJohn 15:1-17I AMGraham Sayer2021-03-21Listen
I AM the Way, the Truth, and the LifeJohn 14:1-7I AMPaul Kupke2021-03-14Listen
I AM the light of the worldJohn 1:1-13, 8:12I AMGraham Sayer2021-03-07Listen
I AM the bread of lifeJohn 6:25-59I AMPaul Kupke2021-02-28Listen
I Am - Jesus in His own words #1John 8:48-59Graham Sayer2021-02-21Listen
Until He ComesLuke 19:11-26Paul Kupke2021-02-14Listen
Vision Followup - Open Your EarsMark 4:1-34Graham Sayer2021-02-07Listen
Vision Sunday - Open Your EyesJohn 4:1-42Vision SundayGraham Sayer2021-01-31Listen
First LoveRevelation 1:1-2:7Matt King2021-01-24Listen
When God RejoicesLuke 15Dave Matthews2021-01-17Listen
Who is Worthy of ForgivenessJonah 3:10-4:11Marty Wierenga2021-01-10Listen
The Certain Reign of God's KingPsalm 2Sam Morse2021-01-03Listen
A Year to Remember, A God to RememberDeuteronomy 8Paul Kupke2020-12-27Listen
Hope in the DarknessIsaiah 9:1-7Paul Kupke2020-12-20Listen
The RichMark 10:17-27Meeting JesusPaul Kupke2020-12-13Listen
Meeting Jesus - The DesperateMark 5:21-43Meeting JesusGraham Sayer2020-12-06Listen
Meeting Jesus - The OutcastMark 1:40-45Meeting JesusPaul Kupke2020-11-29Listen
Meeting Jesus - The RejectedJohn 4:4-30; 39-42Meeting JesusGraham Sayer2020-11-22Listen
Meeting Jesus - The EnquirerJohn 3:1-21Meeting JesusPaul Kupke2020-11-15Listen
What count is a New CreationGalatians 6:11-18No other GospelGraham Sayer2020-11-08Listen
No other gospel - The gospel and OthersGalatians 6:1-10No other GospelPaul Kupke2020-11-01Listen
No other gospel - keep in step with the spiritGalatians 5:13-26No other GospelGraham Sayer2020-10-25Listen
Don't lose your freedomGalatians 5:1-12No other GospelPaul Kupke2020-10-18Listen
So Much Work! So Few Workers!Matthew 9:35-38Phil Ninness2020-10-11Listen
Is Jesus Your Lord?Matthew 7:21-29Graham Sayer2020-10-04Listen
Groaning or Growing Through COVIDMatthew 12:38-45Graham Sayer2020-09-27Listen
A Tale of Two SonsGalatians 4:21-31No other GospelPaul Kupke2020-09-20Listen
The Cross and CommunityEphesians 2:11-22Paul Kupke2020-09-13Listen
No Longer SlavesGalatians 3:13- 4:7No other GospelGraham Sayer2020-09-06Listen
Bewitched or BelievingGalatians 3:1-22No other GospelGraham Sayer2020-08-30Listen
Galatians - When Grace sets AsideGalatians 2:11-21No other GospelPaul Kupke2020-08-23Listen
No other Gospel - It is from God and it is for everyone!Galatians 1:11-2:10No other GospelGraham Sayer2020-08-16Listen
No other GospelGalatians 1:1-10Graham Sayer2020-08-09Listen
RescueGalatians 1:1-5No other GospelGraham Sayer2020-08-02Listen
The Cross and MaturityEphesians 4:1-16Lord's Supper M'sGraham Sayer2020-07-26Listen
Jesus' Final PrayerJohn 17Praying BigPaul Kupke2020-07-12Listen
Filled to the measure with ChristEphesians 3:14-21Praying BigDave Matthews2020-07-05Listen
Living in BabylonMatthew 24:1-31No Plan BGraham Sayer2020-06-28Listen
Apologies, Due to technical difficulties the service was not recorded this week--2020-06-21Listen
No Plan B - Answered Prayer and Promised HopeDaniel 9:20-27Paul Kupke2020-06-14Listen
A Goat, a Ram, and a Very Bad ManDaniel 8No Plan BPaul Kupke2020-05-24Listen
Coming with the clouds of heavenDaniel 7No Plan BGraham Sayer2020-05-17Listen
God rules OK?Daniel 4No Plan BGraham Sayer2020-04-26Listen
Burn, Bow or BelieveNo Plan BPaul Kupke2020-04-19Listen
The Good ShepherdEaster ServicesPaul Kupke2020-04-12Listen
A Sleepless KingDaniel 2:1-23No Plan BPaul Kupke2020-03-23Listen
Under PressureDaniel 1No Plan BGraham Sayer2020-03-15Listen
Getting Back to the FrontlineMatthew 16:13-27FRONTLINE – Life is WarPaul Kupke2020-03-08Listen
Prayer and the End of the WorldRevelation 8:1-5Church Camp 2020Brian Vaatstra2020-03-01Listen
Praying Alone and Praying TogetherChurch Camp 2020Brian Vaatstra2020-02-29Listen
Early Believers Praying for the KingdomActs 4:23-31Church Camp 2020Brian Vaatstra2020-02-29Listen
Your Kingdom ComeMatthew 6:9-15Church Camp 2020Brian Vaatsra2020-02-28Listen
Getting off the side-lineMatthew 5:1-16FRONTLINE – Life is WarGraham Sayer2020-02-23Listen
Getting down to the bottom lineEphesians 6:10-12 & Matthew 25:31-46FRONTLINE – Life is WarGraham Sayer2020-02-16Listen
The Cross and GloryRomans 11:33-12:2Lord's Supper M'sPaul Kupke2020-02-09Listen
Apart from me you can do nothingJohn 15:1-17Vision SundayGraham Sayer2020-02-02Listen
Keep the watch! It is the LORD's commandMatthew25:1-13Jan Knibbe2020-01-26Listen
Worship the LordJoshua 24:14-15Dave Matthews2020-01-19Listen
God's ProsperityPsalm 72Martin Wierenga2020-01-12Listen
Suffering and InjusticeEcclesiastes 3Aaron Johnstone2020-01-05Listen
A Life Worth LivingColossians 1:9-14Matt King2019-12-29Listen
Jesus' Family TreeMatthew 1:1-25ChristmasPaul Kupke2019-12-25Listen
The Promise Keeping GodGenesis 3:8-15, 22:15-18; Isaiah 9:2,6-7; Micah 5:2-4; Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-16; Matthew 2:1-11; John 1:1-14Paul Kupke2019-12-22Listen
Christmas LightsJohn 1:1-9ChristmasKeith Van Der Schoor2019-12-15Listen
Walking in the Light1 John 1:1-10Graham Sayer2019-12-08Listen
To the ends of the earthActs 15:25-13:3ActsGraham Sayer2019-12-01Listen
Gospel OppositionActs 12:1-24ActsKeith Vander Schoor2019-11-24Listen
The 'Christian' ChurchActs 11:19-30ActsPaul Kupke2019-11-17Listen
God's gift to you and to everyone!Acts 11:1-18ActsGraham Sayer2019-11-10Listen
The Positioning of PeterActs 9:32-43ActsPaul Kupke2019-11-03Listen
Who wants to Grow2 Timothy 1:3-12Graham Sayer2019-10-27Listen
Saul and ChristianityActs 9:1-31ActsMartin Wierenga2019-10-20Listen
A eunuch, a message and a messengerIsiah 53:1-12 & Acts 8:26-40ActsPaul Kupke2019-10-13Listen
The Great Power of GodActs 8:1-25ActsGraham Sayer2019-10-06Listen
On Mission - At What Cost?Acts 6:8-7:1 & 7:51-8:1ActsDave Matthews2019-09-29Listen
Gospel PrioritiesActs 6:1-7ActsPaul Kupke2019-09-22Listen
Next StepsActs 2:36-47ActsPaul Kupke2019-09-15Listen
Unstoppable!Acts 5:12-42ActsGraham Sayer2019-09-08Listen
Awesome On The InsideActs 4:32 - 5:11ActsGraham Sayer2019-09-01Listen
Taking OpportunitiesActs 3:1-26ActsKeith Van Der Schoor2019-08-25Listen
The Birth of the ChurchActs 2:1-41ActsPaul Kupke2019-08-18Listen
SENTActs 1:1-26ActsGraham Sayer2019-08-11Listen
Is God Fair?Psalm 73WinterventionPaul Kupke2019-08-04Listen
Is God GreenGenesis 1:26-31 & Romans 8:18-22WinterventionGraham Sayer2019-07-28Listen
Does God care if We Suffer?Genesis 3:1-19WinterventionKeith Van Der Schoor2019-07-21Listen
Which 'god' is God?John 14:1-7WinterventionPaul Kupke2019-07-14Listen
Nehemiah Wrap Up: Change is Coming!1 Corinthians 3:1-27 & Nehemiah 5:19NehemiahGraham Sayer2019-07-07Listen
The need for revivalNehemiah 13NehemiahGraham Sayer2019-06-30Listen
The Results of RevivalNehemiah 11:1-6, 12:27-47NehemiahMarty Wierenga2019-06-23Listen
RecommitmentNehemiah 9:38-10:1 & 10:28-39NehemiahKeith Van Der Schoor2019-06-16Listen
Revival #8 - The good confessionNehemiah 9:1-37NehemiahGraham Sayer2019-06-09Listen
What did you expect? FriendshipJohn 15:1-17Graham Sayer2019-06-02Listen
What did you expect? Workplace1 Peter 2:11-25Paul Kupke2019-05-26Listen
What did you expect? ParentingLuke 15:11-32Graham Sayer2019-05-19Listen
What did you Expect? MarriageEphesians 5:15-33Graham Sayer2019-05-12Listen
Fellow CitizensEphesians 2:11-22Paul Kupke2019-05-05Listen
Hunger, Understanding, JoyNehemiah 8NehemiahDave Matthews2019-04-28Listen
The End of DeathPhilippians 2:5-11Easter ServicesGraham Sayer2019-04-21Listen
The Start of LifeLuke 22:39-23:49Easter ServicesPaul Kupke & Graham Sayer2019-04-19Listen
Amen! Amen! The Story So Far...Nehemiah 8:1-6NehemiahGraham Sayer2019-04-14Listen
A whole new life2 Corinthians 5:16-21Easter ServicesPaul Kupke2019-04-07Listen
We're Going to need a Bigger Vision!Nehemiah 6:15-7:5NehemiahGraham Sayer2019-03-31Listen
Swap of your life!2 Corinthians 5:11-21Graham Sayer2019-03-24Listen
Walking in the fear of GodNehemiah 5NehemiahGraham Sayer2019-03-17Listen
Working for the God who Fights for UsNehemiah 3:1-12 & 4:1-9, 19-23NehemiahPaul Kupke2019-03-10Listen
Session 3 - Greedy for GodLuke 19:11-27Guest TalksMike Raiter2019-03-03Listen
Why We SingGuest TalksMike Raiter2019-03-02Listen
Session 2 - The Joy of MissionLuke 10:1-24Guest TalksMike Raiter2019-03-02Listen
Session 1 - No Turning BackLuke 9:51-10:2Guest TalksMike Raiter2019-03-01Listen
The God of Heaven will give us SuccessNehemiah 2:10-20NehemiahGraham Sayer2019-02-24Listen
A Heart for RevivalNehemiah 1:1-2:10NehemiahGraham Sayer2019-02-17Listen
A Meal for ChristiansLuke 22:7-30Paul Kupke2019-02-10Listen
On Mission Together with JesusMatthe 28:16-20Vision SundayGraham Sayer2019-02-03Listen
Following God1 Peter 4:1-11Marty Wierenga2019-01-27Listen
Christ's Desperate Love for usEphesians 3:14-21Jan Knibbe2019-01-20Listen
Jesus will build His ChurchMatthew 16:13-20Matt King2019-01-13Listen
DeliverancePsalm 18:1-6, 16-19, 31-33, Mark 2:1-5Dave Matthews2019-01-06Listen
God's Heart for the lostJonah 3-4Graham Sayer2018-12-30Listen
Great Big Christmas CrackerJohn 3:16-21ChristmasGraham Sayer2018-12-25Listen
The Reason for Christmas1 Tim 1:15ChristmasPaul Kupke2018-12-23Listen
Great Expectation1 Timothy 1:15-17; Hebrews 9:26-28; Matthew 24:36-51AdventGraham Sayer2018-12-16Listen
The Death of Death1 Corinthians 15:35-58Graham Sayer2018-12-09Listen
The Resurrection guarantees our Future1 Corinthians 15:20-34Paul Kupke2018-12-02Listen
Why is the Resurrection Important?1 Corinthians 15:12-19Martin Wierenga2018-11-25Listen
First things first....and Last1 Corinthians 15:1-11Graham Sayer2018-11-18Listen
True FreedomGalatians 5:1-12Dave Matthews2018-11-11Listen
Contented BusynessEcclesiastes 3:1-12; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10Crazy BusyPaul Kupke2018-11-04Listen
Contradictory Busy-nessMark 8:31-38 & Philippians 3:7-14Crazy BusyGraham Sayer2018-10-28Listen
Reformation DayProverbs 9 & 1 Corinthians 1:18-31Pieter Tuit2018-10-28Listen
Compulsive BusynessMark 1:32-39, Gen 11:1-9Crazy BusyPaul Kupke2018-10-21Listen
Choking on Busy-nessMark 4:1-20; Matthew 11:28-30Crazy BusyGraham Sayer2018-10-14Listen
Generous WorshipExodus 35:4-29, Romans 12:1ExodusGraham Sayer2018-10-07Listen
God at the CentreExodus 40:16-38ExodusGraham Sayer2018-09-30Listen
The Dwelling Place of the KingExodus 25:1-22ExodusPaul Kupke2018-09-23Listen
Show Me Your GoryExodus 33:7-34:10, 34:27-35ExodusKeith Van Der Schoor2018-09-16Listen
Sin and MercyExodus 32:1-33:6ExodusKeith Van Der Schoor2018-09-09Listen
A Meal with GodExodus 24ExodusKeith Van Der Schoor2018-09-02Listen
The Old and the NewExodus 20ExodusKeith Van Der Schoor2018-08-26Listen
Rescued for RelationshipExodus 19ExodusGraham Sayer2018-08-19Listen
Discipleship in the DesertExodus 16:1-20, 17:1-7ExodusPaul Kupke2018-08-12Listen
The Cross: Could I be truly acceptedEphesians 1:3-8a, Romans 8:14-16The CrossPaul Kupke2018-08-05Listen
The Cross: How Free is my FreedomRomans 6:19-23The CrossGraham Sayer2018-07-29Listen
Is Doing My Best Good EnoughLuke 18:9-14 & Romans 3:9-26The CrossPaul Kupke2018-07-22Listen
The Cross - Who Would Take A Bullet For Me1 John 4:9-10 & Romans 5:6-8The CrossGraham Sayer2018-07-15Listen
Dare to be Disciplined1 Timothy 3:14-16 & 6:20-211 TimothyGraham Sayer2018-07-08Listen
The Content of Contentment1 Timothy 6:3-211 TimothyPaul Kupke2018-07-01Listen
Looking after those who lead1 Timothy 5:17-6:21 TimothyPaul Kupke2018-06-24Listen
Happy Families!1 Timothy 5:1-161 TimothyGraham Sayer2018-06-17Listen
Battle for Godliness1 Timothy 41 TimothyGraham Sayer2018-06-10Listen
Fellowship With God1 John 1:1-4Brian Vaatstra2018-06-03Listen
Leadership in God's Household1 Timothy 3:1-131 TimothyPaul Kupke2018-05-27Listen
Men and Women in the Church1 Timothy 2:8-151 TimothyPaul Kupke2018-05-20Listen
The Gospel Is For Everyone -Even You1 Timothy 2:1-71 TimothyMatt King2018-05-13Listen
Timothy's Battle1 Timothy 1:3-201 TimothyPaul Kupke2018-05-06Listen
A Personal, but Public Letter1 Timothy 1:1-2, 3:14-161 TimothyPaul Kupke2018-04-29Listen
The God Worth Singing AboutExodus 15ExodusPaul Kupke2018-04-22Listen
Life-changing AtonementLeviticus 16:1-22Guest TalksDerek Brotherson2018-04-15Listen
My DelivererExodus 13-14ExodusIan Thomason2018-04-08Listen
The Death of DeathMatthew 28:1-10; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26Easter ServicesPaul Kupke2018-04-01Listen
Passed OverExodus 12:1-13, 21-32; Matthew 27:45-56ExodusPaul Kupke2018-03-30Listen
Easter: A Newsworthy Event1 Crorinthians 15:1-6Easter ServicesPaul Kupke2018-03-25Listen
The God with no RivalExodus 7:1-7, 8:20-32; Matthew 28:16-20ExodusDave Matthews2018-03-18Listen
Rescued for RelationshipExodus 5:22-6:12ExodusPaul Kupke2018-03-11Listen
Jesus and EternityRevelation 21:1-5, 9-27, 22:1-5Guest TalksMurray Capill2018-03-04Listen
Jesus and SatanRevelation 12Guest TalksMurray Capill2018-03-03Listen
Living a Grace-Paced LifeGuest TalksMurray Capill2018-03-03Listen
Jesus and HistoryRevelation 6Guest TalksMurray Capill2018-03-02Listen
Does God Make Plan B's?Exodus 4:1-17ExodusMartin Wierenga2018-02-25Listen
The God who IsExodus 3 & John 8:54-59ExodusPaul Kupke2018-02-18Listen
The God who RemembersExodus 1:1-14, 2:23-25 Hebrews 11:23-28ExodusPaul Kupke2018-02-11Listen
Living DeliberatelyMark 1:32-39; Colossians 1:22-29Vision SundayPaul Kupke2018-02-04Listen
Faithfulness inspite of FearfullnessHabakkuk 3:1-19Ian Thomason2018-01-28Listen
Don't Move!1 Peter 5:10-14Guest TalksGraham Sayer2018-01-21Listen
The End Times, Mocking2 Peter 3Guest TalksHans Kelder2018-01-14Listen
Messy Church1 Corinthians 1:1-9Guest TalksDavid Lynch2018-01-07Listen
How Good is God!Psalm 103PsalmsMatt King2017-12-31Listen
Wise Men Still Seek HimMatthew 1:1-12ChristmasKeith Van Der Schoor2017-12-25Listen
The Story of the SaviourGen 3:8-15; Gen 22:15-18; Isaiah 9:2, 6-7; Micah 5:2-4; Luke 1:26-38; Luke 2:1-16; Matt 2:1-11; John 1:1-14ChristmasPaul Kupke2017-12-24Listen
The ResurrectionMark 16:1-8The Servant KingKeith Van Der Schoor2017-12-17Listen
Deceptive AppearancesMark 12:35-40Guest TalksGraham Sayer2017-12-10Listen
The Son of GodMark 15:33-47The Servant KingPaul Kupke2017-12-03Listen
Fit for a KingMark 15:1-32The Servant KingPaul Kupke2017-11-26Listen
Truth Under PressureMark 14:53-72The Servant KingPaul Kupke2017-11-19Listen
We Don't Need Another HeroMark 14:1-11, 27-52The Servant KingMatt King2017-11-12Listen
Understanding the TimeMark 13The Servant KingPaul Kupke2017-11-05Listen
CornerstoneMark 12:1-12The Servant KingPaul Kupke2017-10-29Listen
An Unlucky Fig TreeMark 11:12-25The Servant KingPaul Kupke2017-10-22Listen
A Bold EntranceMark 11:1-11The Servant KingPaul Kupke2017-10-15Listen
No FearPsalm 46Keith Vander Schoor2017-10-08Listen
Jesus: All About PeopleRomans 16Des Smith2017-10-01Listen
A Recognisable Spirit1 John 4:1-6The Holy SpiritPaul Kupke2017-09-24Listen
The Holy Spirit: A Generous Spirit + Q&A1 Corinthians 12:1-11The Holy SpiritDes Smith2017-09-17Listen
The Holy Spirit: A Holy SpiritGalatians 5:13-26The Holy SpiritDes Smith2017-09-10Listen
The Holy Spirit: A Creative SpiritMatt 28:16-20; Psalms 104:27-30; Titus 3:3-7The Holy SpiritDes Smith2017-09-03Listen
The Cross: Power to ServeMark 10:32-45The Servant KingDes Smith2017-08-27Listen
The Cross: bad news for good peopleMark 9:30-50 & 10:13-31The Servant KingDes Smith2017-08-20Listen
The Cross: good news that's hard to hearMark 9The Servant KingDes Smith2017-08-13Listen
To The Glory of God AloneIsaiah 45:5-9; Romans 11:33-36The ReformationDes Smith2017-08-06Listen
In Christ AloneHebrews 9The ReformationDes Smith2017-07-30Listen
By Scripture AlonePsalm 19, 2 Timothy 3:10-17The ReformationPaul Kupke2017-07-23Listen
By Grace AloneEphesians 2:1-10The ReformationPaul Kupke2017-07-16Listen
By Faith AloneRomans 3:9-31The ReformationPaul Kupke2017-07-09Listen
Death Under the SunEccl 11:7-12:8, 1 Cor 15:19-28Under the SunDes Smith2017-07-02Listen
Justice Under the SunEcclesiastes 8:2-17; Matthew 26:6-13Under the SunDes Smith2017-06-25Listen
Wisdom Under the SunEcclesiastes 7:1-8:1 & 1 Corinthians 1:18-25Under the SunDes Smith2017-06-18Listen
Money Under the SunEcclesiastes 5:8-6:12; 1 Timothy 6:6-10Under the SunDes Smith2017-06-11Listen
Time under the SunEcc 3, 1 Cor 7:29-31Under the SunDes Smith2017-06-04Listen
Work under the SunEcc 2Under the SunDes Smith2017-05-28Listen
Life under the SunEcc 1, 12:9-14Under the SunDes Smith2017-05-21Listen
Showing Up For One AnotherHebrews 10:19-25Showing UpPaul Kupke2017-05-14Listen
Showing Up For your Own Sake2 Timothy 3:10-17; Acts 17:10-15Showing UpDes Smith2017-05-07Listen
For God's GloryEphesians 2:12-22; Ephesians 3:14-21Showing UpPaul Kupke2017-04-30Listen
The King must DieIs 52:13- 53:6, Mark 8:22-33The Servant KingDes Smith2017-04-23Listen
Capturing God: EmbodiedLuke 24:36-49, 1 Co 15:20-26Easter ServicesDes Smith2017-04-16Listen
Capturing God: ForsakenMark 15:33-39Easter ServicesPaul Kupke2017-04-14Listen
Early Easter: On the Hunt for JesusMark 15:33-16:8Easter ServicesPaul Kupke2017-04-09Listen
UncleanMark 7:1-23The Servant KingPaul Kupke2017-04-02Listen
Faith in Christ and the Fear of DeathMark 5:21-43The Servant KingDes Smith2017-03-26Listen
Listen!Mark 4:1-34The Servant KingDes Smith2017-03-19Listen
Jesus' FamilyMark 3:13-35The Servant KingDes Smith2017-03-12Listen
Reality BitesMark 2:13-3:12The Servant KingKeith Vander Schoor2017-03-05Listen
One with AuthorityMark 1 and 2The Servant KingPaul Kupke2017-02-26Listen
A Gracious and Compassionate GodJonah 4Andrew Maskell2017-02-19Listen
Inside InformationMark 1:1-15The Servant KingPaul Kupke2017-02-12Listen
Vision Sunday 2017Revelation 2:1-7Vision SundayDes Smith2017-02-05Listen
Whatever You Do...Work for the LordPhil 2:1-11, Col 3:12-4:1Hans Kelder2017-01-29Listen
Does the Lord Get What He WantsMark 11:1-11; Revelation 1:19-2:7Guest TalksGraham Sayer2017-01-22Listen
Two FeastsRevelations 19Nic Rowcroft2017-01-15Listen
The Lord's Love LastsMalachi 1 & Romans 9:1-24Bernard Cane2017-01-08Listen
Always ThankfulPhilippians 1:1-11Des Smith2017-01-01Listen
So This is Christmas: Let's hope it's a Good One, Without FearLuke 2:1-20ChristmasPaul Kupke2016-12-25Listen
Another Year Over, A New One Just BegunLuke 1:39-56 Isaiah 9:1-7ChristmasPaul Kupke2016-12-18Listen
So This Is Christmas - And What Have You DoneIsaiah 1:26-38 & Phil 3:1-14Des Smith2016-12-11Listen
Happily Ever After?Isaiah 65:1-3a, 17-25; Revelation 21:1-8A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahPaul Kupke2016-12-04Listen
The Happiest Place on EarthIsaiah 60 Luke 4:16-21A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahDes Smith2016-11-27Listen
A God of Second ChancesIsaiah 56:1-8 Acts 8:26-35A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahDes Smith2016-11-20Listen
ThirstyIsaiah 55 & John 7:37-44A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahPaul Kupke2016-11-13Listen
Yes, He CanIsaiah 52:13-53:12; 1 Peter 2:21-25A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahDes Smith2016-11-06Listen
Radical Reform - Murray Capill2 Kings 22Murray Capill2016-10-30Listen
To The Ends of The EarthIsaiah 49:1-13 Acts 13:42-48A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahDes Smith2016-10-30Listen
Comfort! Comfort!Isaiah 40:1-11 & 42:1-9A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahDes Smith2016-10-16Listen
What Are You Basing Your Confidence On?Isaiah 36; Hebrews 10:19-25A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahDes Smith2016-10-09Listen
Needing RescueIsaiah 29:1-14A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahPaul Kupke2016-10-02Listen
Tale of Two Cities - Spoiler AlertIsaiah 24:1-6 25:6-10A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahPaul Kupke2016-09-25Listen
Church: Family1 Tim 5:1-7 & Matt 12:46-50The ChurchDes Smith2016-09-18Listen
Church: Temple1 Chronicles 29:1-22a Ephesians 2:19-22The ChurchDes Smith2016-09-11Listen
Church: GatheringHebrews 12:18-24 10:19-25The ChurchDes Smith2016-09-04Listen
Church: NationEph 2:11-22The ChurchDes Smith2016-08-28Listen
Church: KingdomMatthew 4:12-17, 16:13-20The ChurchPaul Kupke2016-08-21Listen
Can of Worms: Climate Change and Q&AGenesis 1:27-31Can of WormsKeith Van Der Schoor2016-08-14Listen
Can of Worms: Refugees and Q&AZech 7:8-10 and 2 Cor 8:8-15Can of WormsPaul Kupke2016-08-07Listen
Can of Worms - Same-Sex Marriage Q & ACan of WormsDes Smith & Tom Pugh2016-07-31Listen
Can of Worms - Same-Sex MarriageMatthew 19Can of WormsDes Smith2016-07-31Listen
Can of WormsPhilippians 1:1-11Can of WormsDes Smith2016-07-24Listen
Are You Ready to Meet Your Maker?Luke 12:13-21Guest TalksPete Woodcock2016-07-17Listen
Suffering, then Glory1 Peter 5Perfect Strangers: 1 PeterDes Smith2016-07-10Listen
Surprise, Surprise1 Peter 4:12-19Perfect Strangers: 1 PeterKeith Van Der Schoor2016-07-03Listen
The Rest of Your Life2016-06-26 - Paul Kupke - The Rest of Your LifePerfect Strangers: 1 PeterPaul Kupke2016-06-26Listen
Salty People1 Peter 3:8-22; Isaiah 8:11-14Perfect Strangers: 1 PeterPaul Kupke2016-06-19Listen
Married for the Gospel1 Peter 3:1-7Perfect Strangers: 1 PeterDes Smith2016-06-12Listen
In His Steps1 Peter 2:18-25Perfect Strangers: 1 PeterPaul Kupke2016-06-05Listen
Seperate But Attractive2016-05-29 - Paul Mathews - Seperate But AttractivePerfect Strangers: 1 PeterPaul Mathews2016-05-29Listen
God's Building1 Peter 2:4-10Perfect Strangers: 1 PeterKeith Vander Schoor2016-05-22Listen
Useful in a Whole New WayPhilemonGuest TalksMurray Capill2016-05-15Listen
Be Yourself1 Peter 1:13-2:3Perfect Strangers: 1 PeterPaul Kupke2016-05-08Listen
Perfect Strangers1 Peter 1:1-12Perfect Strangers: 1 PeterDes Smith2016-05-01Listen
Saving FaithGalations 2:15-16; Ephesians 2:4-10Guest TalksEdgar Meyer2016-04-24Listen
The Dark Side of SexSong of Songs 5:7-16, 8:5-7Good Sex: Song of SongsDes Smith2016-04-17Listen
Good SexSong of songs 4:1 - 5:1Good Sex: Song of SongsDes Smith2016-04-10Listen
A Doomed CauseIsaiah 21-23A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahPaul Kupke2016-04-03Listen
When Hope DiesLuke 24Easter ServicesPaul Kupke2016-03-27Listen
Good Friday - Giving up Guilt for LentJohn 3:16Easter ServicesDes Smith2016-03-25Listen
The Hope of NationsIsaiah 13-20A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahDes Smith2016-03-20Listen
The God of human historyIsaiah 9:8-12:6A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahPaul Kupke2016-03-13Listen
A Know-it-alls guide to Sacrifice1 Corinthians 8Guest TalksDan Shepheard2016-03-06Listen
God with UsIsaiah 7:1-9:6A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahDes Smith2016-02-28Listen
Holy, Holy, HolyIsaiah 5-6A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahPaul Kupke2016-02-21Listen
The Problem with PrideIsaiah 2:5-4:6A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahDes Smith2016-02-14Listen
A Tale of Two CitiesIsiah 1:1- 2:4A Tale of Two Cities: the book of IsaiahDes Smith2016-02-07Listen
Vision Sunday 2016Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20Vision SundayDes Smith2016-01-31Listen
ForegivenessPsalm 130 - Matthew 18:21-35Guest Talks- Bernie Cane -2016-01-24Listen
What do Christians believeRomans 3:21-25Guest TalksDan Headly2016-01-17Listen
Godly LeadershipPsalm 101Guest TalksChristo Swart2016-01-10Listen
By Prayer OnlyMark 9:14-29Guest TalksGraham Sayer2016-01-03Listen
Enduring LovePsalm 107ChristmasDes Smith2015-12-27Listen
O come let us....Matthew 2:1-12ChristmasDes Smith2015-12-25Listen
Why Hospitality is DivineLuke 2:1-7: 14:1`5-24ChristmasPaul Kupke2015-12-20Listen
Coping with CommercialismLuke 12:13-21ChristmasKeith Van Der Schoor2015-12-13Listen
Like Santa, Love Jesus - Carols Service SermonMark 10:13-16ChristmasDes Smith2015-12-11Listen
Dealing with FamilyJohn 1:1-18ChristmasDes Smith2015-12-06Listen
Taking Our Anxieties to GodLuke 10:38-42ChristmasPaul Kupke2015-11-29Listen
Gospel TeamworkRomans 16A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-11-22Listen
Gospel TriageRomans 15:14-33A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-11-15Listen
Free to ServeRomans 14:1-15:13A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-11-08Listen
All You Need is Love....AgainRomans 13:8-14A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-11-01Listen
Love your governmentRomans 13:1-7A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-10-25Listen
Brave Conversations: Who's talking to your children about Sex? 18+ recommended. Contains sexual content.Guest TalksPatricia Weerakoon2015-10-20Listen
All You Need is LoveRomans 12:9-21A Court Room Drama: RomansPaul Kupke2015-10-18Listen
Heads, shoulders, knees and toesRomans 12:3-8A Court Room Drama: RomansPaul Kupke2015-10-11Listen
True WorshipRomans 12:1-2A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-10-04Listen
The End of SufferingJob 42The Eye of the StormPaul Kupke2015-09-27Listen
When it doesn't make senseJob 29-41The Eye of the StormPaul Kupke2015-09-20Listen
Church MembershipMatthew 6:1-20GeneralDes Smith2015-09-13Listen
Wisdom in Deep PlacesJob 28The Eye of the StormDes Smith2015-09-06Listen
When Bad Things Happen to Good PeopleJob 3-27The Eye of the StormDes Smith2015-08-30Listen
The Bread of LifeJohn 6:1-27Guest TalksMikey Lynch2015-08-23Listen
True Love Or ChocolateJob 1,2The Eye of the StormPaul Kupke2015-08-16Listen
Amazing GraceLuke 23:32-43Grace: Everything is a GiftKeith Vander Schoor2015-08-09Listen
ForgivenessRomans 3:21-26Grace: Everything is a GiftDes Smith2015-08-02Listen
Grace and ObedienceEphesians 2:1-10Grace: Everything is a GiftDes Smith2015-07-26Listen
Held by GodEph 1:11-14, Heb 3:12-14, Jude 20-25Grace: Everything is a GiftPaul Kupke2015-07-19Listen
Common GraceActs 17:16-34Grace: Everything is a GiftDes Smith2015-07-05Listen
What Will Happen to The Jews?Romans 11A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-06-28Listen
The Word About ChristRomans 9:30 - 10:21A Court Room Drama: RomansPaul Kupke2015-06-21Listen
Let God Be GodRomans 9:1-29A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-06-14Listen
Truly AliveRomans 8A Court Room Drama: RomansPaul Kupke2015-06-07Listen
Free from Sin, But Not from StruggleRomans 7A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-05-31Listen
Freedom from sinRomans 6A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-05-24Listen
Who Should I Marry?Genesis 2:18-25 and Ephesians 5:21-33Guidance and the Voice of GodDes Smith2015-05-17Listen
What Job Should I Get?Genesis 2:4-25Guidance and the Voice of GodDes Smith2015-05-10Listen
How does God guide?Hebrews 1:1-4 and 2 Timothy 3:10-14Guidance and the Voice of GodDes Smith2015-05-03Listen
Does God GuideJeremiah 29:10-14 and Romans 8:28,29Guidance and the Voice of GodDes Smith2015-04-26Listen
Who's Your Representative?Romans 5:12-21A Court Room Drama: RomansKeith Vander Schoor2015-04-19Listen
Unshakable HopeRomans 5:1-11A Court Room Drama: RomansPaul Kupke2015-04-12Listen
Vain Belief1 Corinthians 15:1-20Easter ServicesPaul Kupke2015-04-05Listen
Jesus Christ: Victim or VictorRomans 5:6-8Good FridaysDes Smith2015-04-03Listen
A Gift not a WageRomans 3:27-4:25A Court Room Drama: RomansPaul Kupke2015-03-29Listen
ButRomans 3:21-26A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-03-22Listen
Seeing is Not BelievingJohn 4:43-54GeneralDan Shepheard2015-03-15Listen
No AdvantageRomans 3:1-20A Court Room Drama: RomansPaul Kupke2015-03-08Listen
How to Fake It as a ChristianRomans 2:17-29A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-03-01Listen
So You Think You Can JudgeRomans 2:1-16A Court Room Drama: RomansKeith Vander Schoor2015-02-22Listen
Innocent or Ignorant?Romans 1:18-32A Court Room Drama: RomansPaul Kupke2015-02-15Listen
The Best News You've Ever HeardRomans 1:1-17A Court Room Drama: RomansDes Smith2015-02-08Listen
Vision Sunday 2015Romans 8:18-30Vision SundayDes Smith2015-02-01Listen
The Coronation of God's KingPsalm 2PsalmsNic Rowcroft2015-01-25Listen
Power and PerishingPsalm 116PsalmsBernie Cane2015-01-18Listen
The Joy of the PilgrimagePsalm 84PsalmsIsaac Lee2015-01-11Listen
Psalm 10Psalm 10PsalmsDave Lynch2015-01-04Listen
Overflowing in ThankfulnessColossians 2:6-15GeneralMatt King2014-12-28Listen
Jesus Grew UpLuke 2:22-40ChristmasDes Smith2014-12-25Listen
The King is Dead1 Sam 31God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-12-21Listen
David's Dark Night of the Soul1 Samuel 27-30God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-12-14Listen
The Patient Christ1 Samuel 24-26God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-12-07Listen
The Christ Must Suffer1 Samuel 21-23God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-11-30Listen
Game of Thrones1 Samuel 20God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-11-23Listen
Success Story1 Samuel 18-19God Will Have His KingKeith Vander Schoor2014-11-16Listen
David and Goliath1 Samuel 17God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-11-09Listen
A Most Unlikely Leader1 Samuel 16God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-11-02Listen
MembersChurch LeadershipDes Smith2014-10-26Listen
In Defense of DenominationsRomans 14:1-12GeneralDes Smith2014-10-26Listen
LeadersChurch LeadershipDes Smith2014-10-19Listen
New CreationRev 21:1-8God's Big PictureDes Smith2014-10-12Listen
Overlap of the AgesActs 1:1-11God's Big PictureKeith Vander Schoor2014-10-05Listen
JesusDeut 20:10-18 , Rom 3:21-26God's Big PictureDes Smith2014-09-28Listen
ExileJer 31:31-34 & Lk 2:25-32God's Big PictureDes Smith2014-09-21Listen
A Name You Can TrustPs 9:7-10 & Ex 3:10-16GeneralPaul Kupke2014-09-14Listen
Land and Kingdom2 Sam 7:1-17 & Acts 2:22-36God's Big PictureDes Smith2014-09-07Listen
Hope Before Us, Help Within UsRomans 5:1-5, 8:18-39, 15:13GeneralBill Bosker2014-08-31Listen
What if I stumble?Exodus 34:1-9GeneralPaul Kupke2014-08-24Listen
Exodus and LawHeb 9:11-15 & Ex 5:22-6:8God's Big PictureDes Smith2014-08-17Listen
A Life Built on God's Word2 Tim 3:1-17GeneralRohan Pieris2014-08-10Listen
AbrahamGen 12:1-9, Gal 3:6-14God's Big PictureDes Smith2014-08-03Listen
Creation and FallGen 2:4-3:7 & Col 1:15-20God's Big PictureDes Smith2014-07-27Listen
Healed at LastJames 5:13-20A Faith That Works: JamesDes Smith2014-07-20Listen
Living in the Light of the EndJames 5:7-12A Faith That Works: JamesBill Bosker2014-07-13Listen
Control FreaksJames 4:13-5:6A Faith That Works: JamesKeith Vander Schoor2014-07-06Listen
Who's Your Best Friend?James 4:4-12A Faith That Works: JamesDes Smith2014-06-29Listen
True WisdomJames 3:13-4:3A Faith That Works: JamesMatt King2014-06-22Listen
Managing Your MouthJames 3:1-12A Faith That Works: JamesBill Bosker2014-06-15Listen
A Faith That WorksJames 2:14-26A Faith That Works: JamesDes Smith2014-06-08Listen
Playing FavouritesJames 2:1-13A Faith That Works: JamesDes Smith2014-06-01Listen
Accept the Word Planted in YouJames 1:19-27A Faith That Works: JamesDes Smith2014-05-25Listen
Growing PainsJames 1:1-18A Faith That Works: JamesDes Smith2014-05-18Listen
How to Rest WellExodus 20:8-11 & Mark 2:23-3:6Work, Rest & PlayDes Smith2014-05-11Listen
The Dark Side of WorkEcclesiastes 2Work, Rest & PlayDes Smith2014-05-04Listen
The Goodness of WorkGenesis 1:1 - 2:2Work, Rest & PlayDes Smith2014-04-27Listen
A Second Chance at LifeJohn 20Easter ServicesDes Smith2014-04-20Listen
Famous Last WordsJohn 19:17-30Good FridaysBill Bosker2014-04-18Listen
God Destroys His Enemies1 Samuel 15:1-3God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-04-13Listen
God Rejects His King1 Samuel 15:4-35God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-04-13Listen
Genuine Faith1 Samuel 13-14God Will Have His KingKeith Vander Schoor2014-04-06Listen
The United Kingdom1 Samuel 11-12God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-03-30Listen
God's King1 Samuel 9-10God Will Have His KingKeith Vander Schoor2014-03-23Listen
Israel Will Have Its King1 Samuel 8God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-03-16Listen
True Repentance1 Samuel 7:2-17God Will Have His KingBill Bosker2014-03-09Listen
Raiders of the lost ark1 Samuel 4:1b-7:1God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-03-02Listen
On speaking terms with God1 Samuel 3:1-4:1aGod Will Have His KingBill Bosker2014-02-23Listen
Honour God1 Samuel 2:11-36God Will Have His KingKeith Vander Schoor2014-02-16Listen
God Will Have His King1 Samuel 1:1-2:10God Will Have His KingDes Smith2014-02-09Listen
Vision Sunday 2014Matthew 28:17-20; Ephesians 3:1-13Vision SundayDes Smith2014-02-02Listen
Pray and WaitPs 130PsalmsHans Kelder2014-01-26Listen
Confession Is Good for The SoulPs 32PsalmsBill Bosker2014-01-19Listen
Help!Ps 121PsalmsDes Smith2014-01-12Listen
Down But Not OutPs 42PsalmsGraham Sayer2014-01-05Listen
ThanksgivingPhilemon 1:1-7; Ezra 3:8-13GeneralMatt King2013-12-29Listen
God Becomes HumanMicah 5:1-4; Isaiah 60:1-3; Luke 2:1-20; John 1:1-18ChristmasBill Bosker2013-12-25Listen
Humans Are . . . ImmortalGenesis 3:14-24; 1 Corinthians 15:35-49Being Human: The Doctrine of ManBill Bosker2013-12-22Listen
Humans Are . . . SinfulGenesis 3:1-13; Colossians 1:15-23Being Human: The Doctrine of ManDes Smith2013-12-15Listen
Humans Are . . . Made Male and FemaleGenesis 2:18-25; Colossians 1:15-23Being Human: The Doctrine of ManDes Smith2013-12-08Listen
Humans Are . . . Made in the Image of GodGenesis 1:26-31; Colossians 1:15-23Being Human: The Doctrine of ManDes Smith2013-12-01Listen
Wise FunJohn 16:17-24; Proverbs 8:12, 22-36The Beginning of Wisdom: ProverbsDes Smith2013-11-24Listen
Wise Friendship2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Proverbs 18:24The Beginning of Wisdom: ProverbsDes Smith2013-11-17Listen
Wise PlanningProverbsThe Beginning of Wisdom: ProverbsDes Smith2013-11-10Listen
Wise DisciplineProverbs 3:1-12; Hebrews 12:4-11The Beginning of Wisdom: ProverbsMurray Capill2013-11-03Listen
Wise TemperamentEphesians 4:17-32; Proverbs 14:29, 15:1, 15:18, 16:32, 19:11, 30:33The Beginning of Wisdom: ProverbsBill Bosker2013-10-27Listen
The Beginning of WisdomProverbs 1:1-7; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31The Beginning of Wisdom: ProverbsDes Smith2013-10-20Listen
Apocalypse Now2 Timothy 3:14-17; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11Is There Anybody Out There? The Doctrine of RevelationDes Smith2013-10-13Listen
The Book That SpeaksHebrews 3:7-19Is There Anybody Out There? The Doctrine of RevelationDes Smith2013-10-06Listen
The God Who SpeaksActs 17:16-34Is There Anybody Out There? The Doctrine of RevelationDes Smith2013-09-29Listen
The World That SpeaksPsalm 19:1-6; Romans 1:18-20Is There Anybody Out There? The Doctrine of RevelationDes Smith2013-09-22Listen
True WorshipHeb 13Better: HebrewsDes Smith2013-09-08Listen
The Perfect ChurchHeb 12:18-29Better: HebrewsDes Smith2013-09-01Listen
Looking for a LeaderGeneralDes Smith2013-08-25Listen
A Better ResurrectionHeb 11:1-12:2Better: HebrewsDes Smith2013-08-18Listen
A Better ConfidenceHeb 10:19-39Better: HebrewsDes Smith2013-08-11Listen
Perfect Sacrifice, Perfect PriestHeb 10:1-18Better: HebrewsBill Bosker2013-08-04Listen
A Better SacrificeHeb 9Better: HebrewsDes Smith2013-07-28Listen
How to Vote: The EconomyHow to VoteDes Smith2013-07-21Listen
How to Vote: Church and StateHow to VoteDes Smith2013-07-14Listen
How to Vote: GovernmentHow to VoteDes Smith2013-07-07Listen
The New TestamentHeb 8Better: HebrewsDes Smith2013-06-30Listen
Better Priest, Better HopeHeb 7Better: HebrewsBill Bosker2013-06-23Listen
Due DilligenceHeb 5:11-6:20Better: HebrewsBill Bosker2013-06-16Listen
The Best of Both WorldsHeb 4:14-5:10Better: HebrewsDes Smith2013-06-09Listen
Fix Your Thoughts on JesusHeb 3Better: HebrewsBill Bosker2013-05-26Listen
The Glorious SonsHeb 2:5-18Better: HebrewsDes Smith2013-05-19Listen
Where Angels Fear to TreadHeb 1:5-2:4Better: HebrewsDes Smith2013-05-12Listen
The Last WordHeb 1:1-4Better: HebrewsDes Smith2013-05-05Listen
Promoting the Gospel 5 - Money & PrayerPhillipians 4:14-18; Matthew 9:35-38Promoting the GospelDes Smith2013-04-28Listen
Promoting the Gospel 3 - Public Worship & Answering Questions1 Kings 8:41-43; 1 Corinthians 14:23-25; 1 Peter 3:13-16; Colossians 4:2-6Promoting the GospelDes Smth2013-04-14Listen
He Is Risen. Does It Matter?John 11:11-26, 20:1-10, 20:24-31Easter ServicesBill Bosker2013-03-31Listen
The King and The ThiefLuke 22:66-23:43Good FridaysDes Smith2013-03-29Listen
Promoting the Gospel 2 - EvangelistsActs 8:4-8, 8:26-40; Ephesians 4:7-13Promoting the GospelBill Bosker2013-03-24Listen
Promoting The Gospel 1 - What is the Gospel and Why Promote it?Psalm 96, Matt 28:16-20Promoting the GospelDes Smith2013-03-17Listen
Eager Expectation1 Th 4:13-5:11The End of the World as We Know It: 1 ThessaloniansDes Smith2013-03-03Listen
Authoritative Instruction1 Th 4:1-12The End of the World as We Know It: 1 ThessaloniansDes Smith2013-02-24Listen
Caring for People1 Th 2:17-3:13The End of the World as We Know It: 1 ThessaloniansBill Bosker2013-02-17Listen
Effective Evangelism1 Th 2:1-16The End of the World as We Know It: 1 ThessaloniansDes Smith2013-02-10Listen
Genuine Imitation1 Th 1The End of the World as We Know It: 1 ThessaloniansDes Smith2013-02-03Listen
Peace on EarthLuke 2:8-20ChristmasDes Smith2012-12-25Listen
I've Been to The Mountain TopDt 31-34Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-12-23Listen
Choose LifeDt 29-30Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-12-16Listen
The Freedom ParadoxDt 27-28Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-12-09Listen
Love Your Spouse As YourselfDt 22:13-23:18Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-11-11Listen
Love Your Enemy as YourselfDt 19:1-22:12Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-11-04Listen
Love Your Government as YourselfDt 16:18-18:22Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-10-28Listen
Love The Lord Your God with All Your . . . Cutlery And Calendars'Dt 14:1-16:17Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-10-21Listen
The Temptations of ChristHebrews 2:14-18; Matthew 3:13-17GeneralBill Bosker2012-10-14Listen
Creation: WhyIn The Beginning: The Doctrine of CreationDes Smith2012-09-30Listen
Creation: WhatIn The Beginning: The Doctrine of CreationNic Rowcroft2012-09-23Listen
Creation: WhoIn The Beginning: The Doctrine of CreationDes Smith2012-09-16Listen
In The BeginningGenesis 1:1-2:3Des Smith2012-09-16Listen
After YouEph 5:22-6:9The State of the Union: EphesiansPhil Price2012-08-26Listen
Alternative LifestylesEph 4:17-5:21The State of the Union: EphesiansDes Smith2012-08-19Listen
Unity, Diversity, MaturityEph 4:1-16The State of the Union: EphesiansDes Smith2012-08-12Listen
Get PowerfulEph 3:14-21The State of the Union: EphesiansDes Smith2012-08-05Listen
Mysterious WaysEph 3:1-13The State of the Union: EphesiansDes Smith2012-07-29Listen
War and PeaceEph 2:11-22The State of the Union: EphesiansDes Smith2012-07-22Listen
Dead or AliveEph 2:1-10The State of the Union: EphesiansDes Smith2012-07-15Listen
Be A Know It AllEph 1:1-23The State of the Union: EphesiansDes Smith2012-07-08Listen
The State of the UnionEph 1:1-14The State of the Union: EphesiansDes Smith2012-07-01Listen
The Grace of Giving 2The Grace of GivingBill Bosker2012-06-24Listen
The Grace of Giving 1The Grace of GivingDes Smith2012-06-17Listen
I Will Build My ChurchGeneralDes Smith2012-06-10Listen
Des Smith's Ordination SermonGeneralDavid Jones2012-06-03Listen
The Trinity: The SpiritThe Doctrine of the TrinityBill Bosker2012-05-27Listen
The Trinity: The SonThe Doctrine of the TrinityBill Bosker2012-05-20Listen
The Trinity: The FatherThe Doctrine of the TrinityBill Bosker2012-05-13Listen
The TrinityThe Doctrine of the TrinityBill Bosker2012-05-06Listen
Worship By The BookDt 12Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-04-29Listen
A Circumcised HeartDt 10:12-11:32Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-04-22Listen
The Evil SuperheroDt 9:1-10:11Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-04-15Listen
What a Wonderful WorldEaster ServicesDes Smith2012-04-08Listen
Follow The SignsGood FridaysBill Bosker2012-04-06Listen
The Tiny SuperpowerDt 7-8Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-04-01Listen
Free LoveDt 4:44-6:25Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-03-25Listen
Farewell SermonGeneralBrian Vaatstra2012-03-18Listen
Will The Real God Please Stand Up?Dt 4:1-43Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-03-11Listen
Choose Life: DeuteronomyDt 1-3Choose Life: DeuteronomyDes Smith2012-03-04Listen
Mission: Sunday ServicesVision and MissionDes Smith2012-02-26Listen
Mission: Connect GroupsVision and MissionDes Smith2012-02-19Listen
Mission: Children and YouthVision and MissionDes Smith2012-02-12Listen
The Church VisionVision and MissionDes Smith2012-02-05Listen
A Challenge to FaithPs 14PsalmsHans Kelder2012-01-29Listen
More Than MammalsPs 8PsalmsDave Lynch2012-01-01Listen
The Born IdentityChristmasDes Smith2011-12-25Listen
By Hook or by By CrookJn 21Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-12-18Listen
The Death of DeathJn 20Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-12-11Listen
The Silence of the LambJn 19:16b-42Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-12-04Listen
Thanksgiving to ThankslivingGeneralBill Bosker2011-11-27Listen
The Assassination of Jesus Christ by The Coward Pontius PilateJn 18:1-19:16aFather and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-11-20Listen
The Secret of JoyGeneralSteve Voorwinde2011-11-13Listen
Return to SenderJn 17Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-11-06Listen
Good GriefJn 16:5-33Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-10-30Listen
The Grapes of WrathJn 15:1-16:4Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-10-23Listen
Keeping It in The Family: ChurchKeeping It in The Family: The Gospel and FamliyDes Smith2011-10-16Listen
Keeping It in The Family: Parents and ChildrenKeeping It in The Family: The Gospel and FamliyDes Smith2011-10-02Listen
Keeping It in The Family: WivesKeeping It in The Family: The Gospel and FamliyDes Smith2011-09-25Listen
Keeping It in The Family: HusbandsKeeping It in The Family: The Gospel and FamliyDes Smith2011-09-18Listen
No Need to Say GoodbyeJn 14Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-09-11Listen
The Second TraitorJn 13Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-09-04Listen
The Motivation for MercyMercy MinistryBill Bosker2011-08-28Listen
The Gospel and Our NeighbourMercy MinistryBill Bosker2011-08-21Listen
It's TimeJn 11:55-12:50Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-08-14Listen
Dead Man WalkingJn 11:1-54Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-08-07Listen
Seeing Is BelievingJn 9Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-07-24Listen
The Church: God's BuildingGeneralDes Smith2011-07-24Listen
The End of SinThe S-Word: The Doctrine of SinDes Smith2011-07-17Listen
The Power of SinThe S-Word: The Doctrine of SinDes Smith2011-07-10Listen
The Guilt of SinThe S-Word: The Doctrine of SinDes Smith2011-07-03Listen
Original SinThe S-Word: The Doctrine of SinDes Smith2011-06-26Listen
The FallThe S-Word: The Doctrine of SinDes Smith2011-06-19Listen
Life in The SpiritGeneralPhil Price2011-06-12Listen
Hope for The FutureMalachiBill Bosker2011-06-05Listen
People RebukedMalachiBill Bosker2011-05-29Listen
Priests Rebuked: You Don't Love Me!MalachiBill Bosker2011-05-22Listen
God's Unconditional LoveMalachiBill Bosker2011-05-15Listen
Encouragement: A Divine StrategyEncouragmentBill Bosker2011-05-08Listen
Transferring or Transforming PeopleEncouragmentBill Bosker2011-05-01Listen
The Comeback KingEaster ServicesBill Bosker2011-04-24Listen
God Is DeadGood FridaysDes Smith2011-04-22Listen
Who Is Your Father?Jn 8:12-59Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-04-17Listen
Confusion ReignsJn 7:1-52Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-04-10Listen
From Here to EternityJn 6:35-71Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-04-03Listen
Real RestGeneralBill Bosker2011-03-27Listen
Bread and CircusesJn 6:1-34Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-03-27Listen
Using the NameGeneralNic Rowcroft2011-03-20Listen
The First Day of The Rest of Your LifeJn 5Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-03-20Listen
Empty ReligionGeneralBill Bosker2011-03-13Listen
The Bad SamaritanJn 4Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-03-13Listen
The Highest PriorityGeneralBill Bosker2011-03-06Listen
Baptised or Born Again?Jn 2:23-3:36Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-03-06Listen
The Times They Are A Changin'Jn 2:1-22Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-02-27Listen
The Message of Hope Applied to LifeGeneralMick Elliott2011-02-27Listen
The AtonementGeneralMick Elliott2011-02-20Listen
Come and SeeJn 1:19-51Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-02-20Listen
The IncarnationGeneralJames Burleigh2011-02-13Listen
Growing or Stuck?GeneralCol Marshall2011-02-13Listen
Children of GodJohn 1:1-18Father and Son: John's GospelDes Smith2011-02-06Listen
Sitting on Top of the WorldGeneralJames Burleigh2011-02-06Listen
The TrinityMick Elliott2011-01-30Listen
ParentingGeneralGraham Sayer2011-01-30Listen
God's Total Commitment to UsBill Bosker2011-01-23Listen
God's WordGeneralMick Elliott2011-01-23Listen
Psalm 15Ps 15PsalmsMick Elliott2011-01-22Listen
The Good LifePs 16PsalmsBrian Vaatstra2011-01-15Listen
Psalm 53Ps 53PsalmsGraham Sayer2011-01-08Listen